world-record bacon cheeseburger

-->  A Minnesota casino has cooked up a world-record bacon cheeseburger that's 3 metres in diameter and weighs more than a ton. The behemoth burger was served up on Sunday at the Black Bear Casino Resort near Carlton, Minnesota. Philip Robertson verified the record for biggest burger. It tipped the scales at 2,014lb, making it far larger than the previous record holder at 881lb 13oz. The monster patty took around four hours to cook using an outdoor oven. Black Bear’s burger included 60 pounds of bacon, 50 pounds of lettuce, 50 pounds of sliced onions, 40 pounds of pickles and 40 pounds of cheese. 
 A Minnesota casino has cooked up a world-record bacon cheeseburger that's 3 metres in diameter and weighs more than a ton. The behemoth burger was served up on Sunday at the Black Bear Casino Resort near Carlton, Minnesota. Philip Robertson verified the record for biggest burger. It tipped the scales at 2,014lb, making it far larger than the previous record holder at 881lb 13oz. The monster patty took around four hours to cook using an outdoor oven. Black Bear’s burger included 60 pounds of bacon, 50 pounds of lettuce, 50 pounds of sliced onions, 40 pounds of pickles and 40 pounds of cheese.