Hantavirus outbreak

A West Virginian is the third person to die so far from a rodent-borne illness linked to some tent cabins at Yosemite.  Construction crews began working on nearby tent cabins. As of August 30, 2012, The National Park Service (NPS) announced that there were 6 confirmed cases of Hantavirus. In 1993, an outbreak of Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome occurred in the Four Corners region in the southwestern United States. U.S. CDC says 10,000 at risk of hantavirus in Yosemite outbreak. Yosemite hantavirus outbreak: virus kills quickly and cannot be treated. As six cases of the rare hantavirus pulmonary syndrome are confirmed at Yosemite National Park. The hantavirus virus is carried in rodent faeces, urine and saliva. A hantavirus outbreak in California's Yosemite National Park that is raising concerns among public health officials. Hantavirus cases are being investigated in Yosemite National Park. The virus is rare in the U.S. The deadly Hantavirus outbreak at Yosemite is affecting visits to the national park, and now has international implications. Health officials described the outbreak of hantavirus at Yosemite National Park as rare as the park took steps to warn the public. Some tourists hoping to visit Yosemite National Park are changing their plans due to the recent outbreak of hantavirus. Spread by rodents and sometimes misdiagnosed as the common flu, hantavirus drowns its victims in their own fluids. Yosemite National Park has closed 91 tent cabins due to an outbreak of Hantavirus. Two people have died and a total of six people have been infected with hantavirus pulmonary syndrome after visiting Yosemite National Park. Hantavirus has an incubation time of two to four weeks in humans before symptoms of infection occur. There is no known antiviral treatment, but natural recovery from the virus is possible. The early symptoms of hantavirus disease are similar to the flu. Symptoms begin one to six weeks after inhaling the virus. Hantavirus causes flu-like symptoms, starting with fever, body aches and fatigue. Hantavirus symptoms do not include runny nose, sneezing and other upper respiratory tract problems typically seen with colds and allergies.
A West Virginian is the third person to die so far from a rodent-borne illness linked to some tent cabins at Yosemite.  Construction crews began working on nearby tent cabins. As of August 30, 2012, The National Park Service (NPS) announced that there were 6 confirmed cases of Hantavirus. In 1993, an outbreak of Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome occurred in the Four Corners region in the southwestern United States. U.S. CDC says 10,000 at risk of hantavirus in Yosemite outbreak. Yosemite hantavirus outbreak: virus kills quickly and cannot be treated. As six cases of the rare hantavirus pulmonary syndrome are confirmed at Yosemite National Park. The hantavirus virus is carried in rodent faeces, urine and saliva. A hantavirus outbreak in California's Yosemite National Park that is raising concerns among public health officials. Hantavirus cases are being investigated in Yosemite National Park. The virus is rare in the U.S. The deadly Hantavirus outbreak at Yosemite is affecting visits to the national park, and now has international implications. Health officials described the outbreak of hantavirus at Yosemite National Park as rare as the park took steps to warn the public. Some tourists hoping to visit Yosemite National Park are changing their plans due to the recent outbreak of hantavirus. Spread by rodents and sometimes misdiagnosed as the common flu, hantavirus drowns its victims in their own fluids. Yosemite National Park has closed 91 tent cabins due to an outbreak of Hantavirus. Two people have died and a total of six people have been infected with hantavirus pulmonary syndrome after visiting Yosemite National Park. Hantavirus has an incubation time of two to four weeks in humans before symptoms of infection occur. There is no known antiviral treatment, but natural recovery from the virus is possible. The early symptoms of hantavirus disease are similar to the flu. Symptoms begin one to six weeks after inhaling the virus. Hantavirus causes flu-like symptoms, starting with fever, body aches and fatigue. Hantavirus symptoms do not include runny nose, sneezing and other upper respiratory tract problems typically seen with colds and allergies.